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Writer's pictureJoanna Hart

10 Things People Don't Tell You About Life in Your 30s

Family sitting in a car

Welcome to the fabulous 30s, where life is a delicate balance between adulting and desperately wanting a nap. If you’re here already, you’ll know what I mean, but if you’re still in your 20s, don’t say you weren’t warned. Truth is, I haven’t been in my 30s that long. I turn 32 in a few days, but honestly, if the last 2 years are any indication of what this decade looks like, I’m a big fan. I still remember being in my early 20s, and 30 felt like the distant future filled with grown-up stuff. I thought then that 30 was pretty ‘old’ and I wanted to hang on to my youth. Having got here however, I realize its the decade where life is a delightful blend of wisdom, unexplained injuries, and the constant struggle to figure out if you're wearing pajamas or potentially runway-ready attire. So here’s what I’ve learnt so far

  1. Staying at home is the only party you want to be at

Remember those days when you’d fight your parents to stay out past curfew? Man, I’d kill for a curfew now! Gone are the days when hitting the town felt like a thrilling escapade. Now, staying in with Netflix and cozy blankets is the epitome of a wild night. The idea of a crowded bar and loud music makes you cringe. 

  1. The line between pyjamas and “I could go shopping in these, right?” gets super blurry

Remember when getting dressed meant putting on something other than pyjamas? In your 30s, the wardrobe dilemma revolves around finding pyjamas that look socially acceptable enough to wear for your grocery run. Because comfort is the ultimate fashion statement.

  1. You start to accumulate unexplained injuries and aches

Remember the days when you could leap out of bed without a single groan? Well, now you wake up and wonder how you managed to injure yourself in your sleep. Hello, mysterious bruises and creaky joints.

  1. Meeting up with friends takes A LOT of planning (and most times those plans fall through)

Coordinating schedules among busy adults is like shooting a moving target. Planning to meet up may last for weeks, and still, on the day off, the plans fall through. Welcome to the era of adulting, where spontaneity wins over planning

  1. You stop sweating the small stuff

Suddenly, things that used to keep you up at night are demoted to the 'I'll deal with it when I deal with it' category. You've mastered the art of prioritizing and letting go, and it feels liberating.

  1. You feel way more sorted and grounded than you did in your 20s

The chaos of the 20s has settled into a comfortable rhythm. You know who you are, what you want, and you've got a plan (sort of). Life is less about finding yourself and more about enjoying the person you've become.

  1. Your inner circle has shrunk, but holds way more meaning

You may notice that your friendship circle is smaller…much, much smaller. It may have even narrowed down to 1 or 2 people, but the bonds you have are so much more deeper and tight. 

  1. You realize that happiness is more about contentment than anything you can chase

The pursuit of happiness transforms into a quest for contentment. You find joy in the simple things—like a quiet Sunday morning or a perfectly brewed cup of coffee. It's the little moments that define true happiness.

  1. You're more accepting of your flaws

Embracing imperfections becomes a superpower. In your 30s, you're not afraid to admit that you're a masterpiece in progress, flaws and all. Perfect is overrated; perfectly flawed is the new you.

  1. Your mom was right (about literally everything), but you probably don't want to let her know that

Mom's wisdom echoes louder than ever. You catch yourself saying things she used to say, and suddenly, her advice makes complete sense. You might not admit it out loud, but she was right about pretty much everything.

So here's to the 30s—a decade of revelations, self-discovery, and shamelessly wearing your 'I'm still figuring it out' badge. Life might not be a checklist, but it sure is an adventure. Cheers to the beautifully messy ride that is life in your 30s!


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