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Writer's pictureJoanna Hart

6 Must-Have Resolutions for a Healthier 2022

For even the most time-bound individuals.

2022 is well underway and just like that, another year has passed and one more begins.

Some of us have resolutions, some of us have goals and others have objectives they want to see fulfilled. Mostly everyone, however, has something they want out of this year.

If you're like me, I've made resolutions that I've not kept, then refused to make resolutions because I felt I wouldn't keep them! Nonetheless, resolutions are actually a good thing. It gives us something to work toward and celebrate when we've achieved them.

For that reason, I've put together a few mental health-boosting resolutions that even the most time-starved individuals can do:

Practice gratitude - No matter how busy you are, whatever your circumstances, practising gratitude is always a possibility. Fridges that work, fans or ACs that cool, a place to cook food or water to drink. There's always something to be thankful for. Gratitude is proven to improve both physical and mental health while fighting off depression. Sounds like a win-win!

Self-appreciation - Like with gratitude, no matter the circumstance, even on your worst day, there are things you can celebrate. Successfully had 8 glasses of water, wore a cohesive outfit, kept your cool in a particularly stressful situation…whatever it is. Oftentimes we're very good at putting ourselves down or being self-deprecating, but self-appreciation takes practice and intentionality.

Screen-time ban - Schedule time either daily, weekly or monthly to stay away from screens completely. That includes WhatsApp, TV, e-mails, social media, news etc. You'll soon notice that you're able to use that time productively or in a way that makes you feel gratified; plus it'll be a welcome break for your eyes.

Go somewhere new - Think about a place you've never been to and go explore it. It doesn't need to be a new city or country, even a location in your city that you've never seen. A new park, a farm or a trek up a new place are some examples.

Declutter - It's amazing how much stuff we collect that we didn't even know we had…Try taking a day to declutter, even if it's just one room in your house. You're guaranteed to feel a whole lot better.

Save - If you're already in the habit of saving, try ramping up your savings, if not, budgeting and saving bring a reward worth savoring!

There you have it! Do you have resolutions you think we'd benefit from? Let us know in the comments.


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