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Writer's pictureSuzie Hart

An extroverted church - do I really belong?

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

Have you ever looked at your introverted, shy personality and wondered where your place in the church is? I often look at pastors in their neverending meetings, their frequent preaches, social gatherings, Bible studies, prayer groups, etc., and feel exhausted for them. I wonder what it's like to be an introverted pastor. What if you’d rather be alone on a Friday, rather than surrounded by meetings and social gatherings?

And then I wonder if I have no place in the church. What if I’m not the bold preacher or the welcoming social person, where else do I fit in? That was a question I asked in my teenage years when I started to discover my personality more and had to embrace my shyness.

Here’s one thing I think is important to add: God loves introverts. God made shy people. God loves the socially awkward and the socially anxious. The only one disqualifying themselves from the ministry is you.

The problem with the Christian mentality, sometimes, is that people value preaching, teaching and leadership as something of a ‘high calling’ and noble ministry. Like somehow if you’re out there in the spotlight and active, all over Church activities - only then are you flourishing in your spiritual life. But what about those who set up for worship on a Friday? What about those who work in the media and projection team? What about those taking photographs and filming preaches? Are they not seen and valued? Absolutely not.

‘God loves introverts. God made shy people. God loves the socially awkward and the socially anxious. The only one disqualifying themselves from the ministry is you.’

To serve in the church and not just be expected to serve is a high calling indeed. Ministry is no walk in the park, but those who serve in whatever capacity they can are to be honoured. At the end of the day, it isn’t just about the preaches you preach, it’s about your love and worship of God which manifests in the things you do. Jesus never valued one ministry over another. Taking introverted, behind-the-scenes roles at church is also honourable. You are changing lives just by making sure the church runs functionally. You are integral to the church. Don’t let your introversion, shyness, or lack of people skills disqualify you from leadership.

As an introverted leader, I’ve learned to stand my ground, recognize my giftings and play to my strengths rather than model a more outspoken and charismatic leadership style. And here’s what's so interesting - even Jesus was not entirely an extrovert. If we look closely at Jesus’ personality and behaviors, sometimes he was in large crowds, preaching and performing miracles but other times he retreated and only stuck with his close disciples. Jesus was a mix of both, he knew how to be silent and stay in God’s presence, and when to reach out to his people.

Let that be an encouragement that if even Jesus was not an extrovert and yet he still saved the world, you have great purpose and power. Regardless of your personality type.


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