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Writer's pictureSuzie Hart

Bridgerton Review: What I actually think about Colin and Penelope so far…

colin and penelope

Source: The Wrap

(Spoilers ahead!)

Penelope and Colin have always had this will-they-wont-they dynamic between them. But what if they're not actually meant to be?

Like most Bridgerton fans, the season we’ve been waiting for for 2 long years has come. Penelope, the wallflower, is having her moment in the spotlight. And although I joined the fans by waiting (impatiently) for this season, I have to say I have mixed feelings about it…

Penelope reinvents her look to attract men

Although the season is not over yet, let me start by saying that one of the things that disappointed me a bit was how Penelope felt she had to change her look completely just to be noticed by men (Colin included), it kind of reinforces this idea to women that being yourself isn’t enough. And although I thought Penelope looked extremely hot when she ditched the bright and sunny colors, I just don't think we need to be showing women, especially young and impressionable viewers of the show that in order to attract a man, you need to change the way you look. But anyway, that was a disappointing moment of the season so far.

Penelope’s puppy love was always one-sided, so how are they soulmates?

What always upset me about this couple which is apparently supposed to be meant for each other is that it always seemed like a one-sided puppy love girl crush that Penelope had for Colin. And not once, in three seasons, did we ever see that Colin had a romantic interest. In fact, it would have been bad enough if he had friend-zoned her, but he didn't, he sister-zoned her to his friends when they were mocking him about her. He seemed clearly embarrassed by the thought of her romantically, and it would appear he never saw her as more than a sister. That was one thing about him that made me feel like Penelope deserved better. Unpopular opinion, I know.

Colin never showed any interest in Penelope until they kissed. So is that love, or lust?

When Penelope and Colin FINALLY kissed, and though it was an epic kiss, I have to say, the only time Colin finally woke up and started wanting her was when they kissed. And after that, he started dreaming about her, so to me, it doesn’t seem like he’s crazy about her the same way she is, and has been for years, it seems like he’s just a guy lusting after a girl. 

Or maybe I'm too skeptical and I need to get back on the Colin + Penelope train. All this being said, I cannot wait to see more of their story and I’m still somehow rooting for them...I’m just not convinced, at this point, that Penelope is getting everything she deserves from Colin. #Sorrynotsorry to all those obsessed with them. 


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