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Writer's pictureSuzie Hart

When God doesn’t answer

Updated: Nov 11, 2021

Why stubborn faith is the key to strong faith

Have you ever wondered what causes people to stray from God? Why do people abandon hope and turn away from God at some point in life? Is it because the Christian walk can be too hard? Is it because God stopped answering? Or maybe God seems silent when he was needed the most, or in one final unforgivable moment God took away the one thing or one person that you cherished more than anything.

Christians, I plead with you - don’t point a gun to God’s head and say “Do this or we’re done”.

God isn’t a wish factory, he doesn’t owe you answers - as much as you think you need them. The problem with Christianity today is that people often love and worship God for what He does and what He can offer them, rather than who He is.

I can empathise, although I am not a mother, I do have a baby niece and when you become an aunt, you inevitably become like a second mother to the child. She was my ultimate weak spot. I could take on any challenges that came my way, but the moment something really bad happened to her, I felt rage, hurt and anger with God. I’ve experienced that pain and I’m not even a parent. But I can imagine that for parents; the loss of a child can be like a loss of their own flesh and blood. But I decided a long time ago that I was not going to let anything tear me away from my relationship with God. Once I had settled that I was leaving my old life behind and immersing myself into a new purpose-driven life, I decided that I wasn’t going to hold my relationship with God to my own standards. I wasn’t going to demand that God do things my way, and lose faith if He doesn’t answer or intervene. I promised God that I would worship, love and trust Him no matter the cost. No matter how much adversity, persecution and even in the midst of facing death or losing my loved ones, I would not waver in my relentless pursuit of God. And I was tested in my commitment, my mother nearly died twice and I had to face what my life would look like without her, which was an excruciating thought to bear, I’ve had to face an ailing mother, near-death experiences, I’ve faced Covid, unemployment, financial strife and so much more, but I knew that deep down, I was living for God at the end of the day and looking forward to a pain-free eternity with Him.

The priority in every healthy Christian’s life should be: God first, family second and everything else next. So whether I lost my home, my money, my ability to walk, speak or think or my entire family - I would still find a way to praise and follow God with a faith so stubborn, no one could shake it. And that, friends, I believe, is the key to a healthy and strong relationship with the Father. And don’t get me wrong, this isn’t me boasting about how strong my faith is - I just feel that I have figured out the key to a long-lasting relationship with God.

Real faith is built on unconditional trust and worship of God for who He is. And though we suffer, we ache and our heart breaks by the pain of this world - our suffering is only temporary until we are united with God forever. But for right now, God is looking at and testing our faith. So I encourage you, don’t walk away from God’s plan for your life - I encourage you to have a deep and firmly rooted faith in God - and you will not be shaken.


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