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Writer's pictureSuzie Hart

The 4 types of annoying co-workers

Hello hello team Daily Deck!

We hope this rant of an article finds you well…

I'm writing this on a Tuesday and I don't know about you, but I’m not a fan of Tuesdays. To be honest, I’m not a fan of any day that isn’t a weekend but that's a conversation for later..

And because its a Tuesday I figured I would go on a bit of a rant and see if anyone working in this lovely corporate world can relate. One of the many joys of working, especially from an office, is the joy of working with people. If you are lucky, and I mean very very lucky, you’ll get along with everyone. Or if you’re like the rest of us, you have to deal with grossly incompetent, annoying co-workers on a daily basis and whats so interesting is that in a casual setting you’d deliver an expletive and send them on their way but in the corporate world we all resort to politeness, pleasantries and passive-aggressive nonsense.

I will say, though, that I am one of those people who actually works with a great team, but there is no perfect work environment amirite?

So lets talk about the types of annoying co-workers we encounter, and since we can't trash talk all this to their face we decided to complain to the rest of the world.

Here are the 4 types of annoying co-workers:

1 - The Slacker: This type of co-worker is at the top of my hit list is because I can’t stand people who slack off, are lazy, and don’t deliver. They should be earning their wage otherwise they’re a drain on any company and a waste of finance. We’ve all experienced a slacker at some point in life - the type who’s lazy, who spends more time on their phones at work rather than actually working, the one who never sticks to deadlines, the list goes on. In many cases, you may have even had to be the person who takes up the workload of the slacker, causing your resentment towards this person to grow.

What can be even worse sometimes, though, is that even if a person’s slacking their termination is never immediate. Many times what you’ll see in companies is that the boss keeps this person around, giving them chance after chance. Call it reasons of favoritism, turning a blind eye, preferential treatment or whatever it is, these co-workers are the actual worst, and yet the hardest to shake.

2 - The Micro Manager: These colleagues have their nose in nearly everything you do. They are amazing at “delegating”, but also won't shy away from giving their 100 opinions, not letting you manage things the way you want to. But more importantly, working for a micromanager can be super frustrating because they stifle your growth. By not allowing you to work according to your own strengths and expertise, they’re putting their own personal stamp on everything.

3 - The Technologically Ignorant One: You know that one colleague who has been on several Zoom calls but forgets to unmute every time she talks? Or the one that doesn’t know how to use a scanner? Or the one who can’t find their way around Google Drive and is constantly forgetting their passwords to things? Sure, the older generation aren’t as good with technology as the younger generation, but there’s a big difference between being incapable and being ignorant.

The harsh reality is that the digital age is now - it isn’t the future. So simply not knowing how to use a scanner and getting your younger colleagues to do it for you everytime is just not okay. Especially if it’s taking away from their work time, and you could easily learn these things yourself.

4 - The Chatterbox: This is that one person who carries on about their nonsense in meetings. The one that always has some gossip. The one who is super disruptive to your peace and work process. Yes, these people can be the worst.

Speaking from experience, headphones and looking busy is the way to go.

And there you have it - here’s our list of the 4 types of annoying co-workers. We extend our condolences to all of you who die a little inside every time you have to interact with these people on a daily basis. May you one day wake up and have the courage to tell them to shut up. :)

Think we missed out on any of the types of annoying co-workers? Drop us a comment and tell us who you deal with!


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